

The useActions hook contains all available actions for the Soul to take.

import { useActions } from "@opensouls/engine"
const exampleProcess: MentalProcess = async ({ workingMemory }) => {
  // get the soul's available actions
  const { expire, log, speak, dispatch, scheduleEvent } = useActions()
  // rest of the mental process
  // ...
  return workingMemory
export default exampleProcess


The expire action terminates the life of the soul, ending all execution of its subroutines.



The log action creates debugging log events, which are picked up and displayed in the Soul Engine.

log("Something happened to myVar!", myVar)


The speak action dispatches a request to speak to the client interface.

speak("I'm a soul saying something!")


The dispatch action is a generalized form of speak, which sends an interaction request to the client interface.

  name: "Samantha",
  action: "says",
  content: "Hi!"

or in the case of a non-verbal action

  name: "Samantha",
  action: "emoji-reacts",
  content: "{'messageId': 'xxx', 'emoji': '💫'}"


The scheduleEvent action is a powerful action that schedules a cognitive event, comprising a perception and a mental process to act on that perception, to occur at some time in the future. It returns an id of the event which can be used to cancel the event in the future.

const eventId = await scheduleEvent({
  in: 10, // seconds
  // the internal perception that will be queued
  perception: {
    action: "poke",
    content: "The user",
    name: "Samantha",
  // reference to the mental process which will act on the perception
  process: pokesSpeaker

Alternatively, an event can be scheduled to run on a particular Date.

const eventId = await scheduleEvent({
  // run the event on the 21st of next month
  when: new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() + 1, 21),
  // the internal perception that will be queued
  perception: {
    action: "poke",
    content: "The user",
    name: "Samantha",
  // reference to the mental process which will act on the perception
  process: pokesSpeaker,

When a cognitive event is scheduled, it queues a perception called an internal perception to be processed at the target time, along with a target mental process to act on that internal perception. If any current perceptions are being actively processed, they're finished processing first.