

The useSoulMemory hook returns a soul-wide reference to a memory container, accessed by key, as a way to persist information across the soul. It's usage is very similar to useProcessMemory, but is scoped to soul-wide data.

import { useSoulMemory } from "@opensouls/engine"
const exampleProcess: MentalProcess = async ({ workingMemory }) => {
  // create a persistent memory container scoped to the soul
  const wasProvoked = useSoulMemory("wasProvoked", false)
  console.log("current value of wasProvoked", wasProvoked.current)
  // set the current value immediately
  wasProvoked.current = true
  // do other stuff ...
  return workingMemory
export default exampleProcess

The memory container created here can be accessed in any mental process, and persists for the life of the soul.