Welcome & Quick Start

Welcome to the Soul Engine


The Soul Engine is currently in closed Beta! Join our mailing list (opens in a new tab) to be the first to hear about the next updates!

Like a musician imparts their soul to music, Soul Engine developers impart their soul to digital beings.

The Soul Engine is a total solution for typescript developers looking to give their AIs capabilities beyond simple turn taking with GPT. The Engine provides a remote execution environment, plus framework, plus debugger, that is an all-in-one hosted and scalable solution for developers looking to program and debug how their AIs think, feel, remember, and act. Think NextJS + Vercel for the minds of digital beings.

The Engine is designed such that it takes under 30 seconds to deploy AI that 10s of thousands of users can interact with. Yet, the Engine runtime is programmable, and infinitely extensible, with powerful built-in-features like resumable conversations, fully debuggable memory, integrated vector store solutions with atomic change tracking, multi-model (and multi-modal) support, and background processes for long running computations.

Open Souls Statue


Philip discovers his own code.

Milton is trapped in a room

Video Guide

💫 AI Souls

AI Souls are agentic and embodied digital beings, one day comprising thousands of mental processes (managed by the Soul Engine). Unlike traditional chatbots, your code gives AI souls personality, drive, ego, and agency. AI Souls interact with people (and each other) in a highly humane way, creating warm, interesting, and engaging experiences.

Folks building on the engine have creating souls that:

  • bring characters from their IP to life
  • interact on their discord
  • are present with them in AR
  • teach kids
  • reside in games
  • and so much more...

Quick Start


The Soul Engine is currently in closed Beta! Join our mailing list (opens in a new tab) to be the first to hear about the next updates!

  1. Run the samantha-learns soul
npx soul-engine init samantha-learns
# then CD into the samantha-learns example soul.
cd samantha-learns
# and npm install
npm install
# and then run samantha
npx soul-engine dev

Those commands will open your web browser and you can chat with Samantha. Open up the samantha-learns directory in a code editor and try customizing the soul by modifying the Samantha.md file.


Dive into our tutorials and examples to learn by doing and rapidly enhance your proficiency with the Soul Engine.

  • Blueprints: Understand the architecture and subsystems of souls.
  • Souls: Incorporate AI souls into your own applications and experiences.
  • Core: The basic library for using cognitive steps to modify and create WorkingMemory