Cognitive Step

Creating and Using a CognitiveStep

A CognitiveStep is a fundamental building block in the OPEN SOULS soul-engine, designed to process working memory based on specific logic. CognitiveSteps encapsulate a transformation logic that is applied to the working memory, adding a new memory based on the input and the transformation rules defined.

To create a CognitiveStep, you use the createCognitiveStep function. This function requires a callback that generates transformation options based on the provided arguments. These options define how the working memory should be transformed.


Simple Example

import { createCognitiveStep, indentlyNicely } from "@opensouls/engine"
export const instruction = createCognitiveStep((instructions: string) => {
  return {
    command: ({ soulName }: WorkingMemory) => {
      return {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System,
        name: soulName,
        content: instructions,
// Initialize a new WorkingMemory instance
const initialMemory = new WorkingMemory({
  soulName: "ExampleSoulForInstruction",
  memories: [{ role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System, content: "You are a helpful assistant." }]
const [transformed, response] = await instruction(initialMemory, "Please say hello");
// alternatively where stream is an AsyncIterable<stream> and responsePromise is a promise that will resolve to the value of the cognitive step
const [transformed, stream, responsePromise] = await instruction(initialMemory, "Please say hello", { stream: true })]

Adding a postProcess

You can post-process the responses (for example to strip prefixes, etc).

import { createCognitiveStep, indentlyNicely } from "@opensouls/engine"
const exampleCognitiveStep = createCognitiveStep((data: { message: string; emphasis: boolean }) => {
  const { message, emphasis } = data;
  return {
    command: ({ soulName: name }: WorkingMemory) => {
      const formattedMessage = emphasis ? message.toUpperCase() : message;
      return {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.User,
        name: name,
        content: indentNicely`
          ${name} is prompted to respond to the following message:
          Please reply in the voice of ${name}, using the format: ${name} replied: "..."
    postProcess: async (memory: WorkingMemory, response: string) => {
      const newMemory = {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.Assistant,
        content: `${memory.soulName} replied: "${response}"`
      return [newMemory, response];
// Example usage of a CognitiveStep with a WorkingMemory instance
// Initialize a new WorkingMemory instance
const initialMemory = new WorkingMemory({
  soulName: "ExampleSoul",
  memories: [{ role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.User, content: "Hello, world!" }]
// Use the exampleCognitiveStep created earlier
const [transformedMemory, response] = await exampleCognitiveStep(initialMemory, {
  message: "This is a test message.",
  emphasis: true
console.log("Transformed Memory:", transformedMemory);
console.log("Response:", response);

Extracting Typed Data

import { createCogntiveFunction, z } from "@opensouls/engine";
// Example of a cognitive step that uses the greetingSchema
export const greet = createCognitiveStep((instructions: string) => {
  // Define a schema for a simple cognitive step that processes a greeting
  const greetingSchema = z.object({
    greeting: z.string(),
    name: z.string()
  return {
    command: ({ soulName }: WorkingMemory) => {
      return {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System,
        name: soulName,
        content: indentNicely`
          ${soulName} needs to create a greeting to their interlocutor.
          Please return the greeting in the defined JSON schema.
    schema: greetingSchema,
    postProcess: async (memory: WorkingMemory, response: z.infer<typeof greetingSchema>) => {
      const newMemory = {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.Assistant,
        content: `${memory.soulName} received a greeting: "${}" "${response.greeting}`
      return [newMemory, response];
// Example usage of the greet cognitive step
const initialMemory = new WorkingMemory({
  soulName: "JohnDoe",
  memories: [{ role: "User", content: "Hello, world!" }],
// Execute the greet cognitive step with a custom greeting message and name
const [transformedMemory, greetingData ] = await greet(initialMemory, "Make sure to be pleasant")
console.log(greetingData) // typed data in the format { greeting: string, name: string }