Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The Soul Engine is currently in closed Beta! Join our mailing list (opens in a new tab) to be the first to hear about the next updates!

What is Open Souls?

Open Souls is creating AI souls.

What is a Soul?

A Soul is what you build with Open Souls. It is an interface for the memory, cognition, desires and wishes of a digital being or entity.

What is Soul Engine?

The Soul Engine is how you create a Soul with Open Souls. It is a developer platform that is scalable, extensible, familiar, and inspired by nature, a sculptor’s tool for AI.

What can I use Soul Engine for?

The Soul Engine can imbue characters, websites, discord servers, online communities and intellectual property with life.

Who is using Soul Engine today?

Our users include developers, designers, hobbyists and game masters building for their own users.

Can I hire Open Souls to build a Soul for me?

Yes! Contact sales@opensouls.org

How can I get started with Soul Engine?

The Soul Engine is currently in closed Beta! Join our mailing list (opens in a new tab) to be the first to hear about the next updates!