Working Memory

Working Memory

The soul-engine provides WorkingMemory (what is passed into and out of a MentalProcess). WorkingMemory objects are immutable and all interactions on a WorkingMemory return a new immutable WorkingMemory.

WorkingMemory is maniuplated through list-like functions (slice, map, etc) and CognitiveSteps which use a model to modify memory and return values.

WorkingMemory is a wrapper around a list of Memory objects that provides methods to manipulate that list immutably.

The Memory interface

interface Memory<MetaDataType = Record<string, unknown>> {
  role: ChatMessageRoleEnum; // see below, OpenAI standards "role"
  content: ChatMessageContent; // follows OpenAI standards for content which can be a string or an array of "content objects" (to support vision).
  name?: string;
  metadata?: MetaDataType; // user-settable metadata
  _id: string; // auto-generated for you
  _timestamp: number; // auto-generated for you
enum ChatMessageRoleEnum {
  System = "system",
  User = "user",
  Assistant = "assistant",

Example List Manipulation

Read more about list manipulation here

const memory = new WorkingMemory({
  soulName: "Bobby",
  memories: [
      role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System,
      content: "You are modeling the mind of Bobby."
// easily add a memory (returning a new WorkingMemory with the appeneded memory)
const withHi = memory.withMemory({
  role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.User,
  content: "hi!"
// slice off that message:
const withoutHi = withHi.slice(0,1)

There are many list manipulation functions available to you, read more... [todo: add link].

Example Cognitive Steps

Read more about Cognitive Steps here

A CognitiveStep transforms a WorkingMemory using an LLM and returns a new WorkingMemory and a value.

import { createCogntiveStep } from "@opensouls/engine"
export const brainstorm = createCognitiveStep((description: string) => {
  const params = z.object({
    newIdeas: z.array(z.string()).describe(`The new brainstormed ideas.`)
  return {
    command: ({ soulName: name }: WorkingMemory) => {
      return {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System,
        name: name,
        content: indentNicely`
          ${name} is brainstorming new ideas.
          ## Idea Description
          Reply with the new ideas that ${name} brainstormed.
    schema: params,
    postProcess: async (memory: WorkingMemory, response: z.output<typeof params>) => {
      const newIdeas = response.newIdeas;
      const newMemory = {
        role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.Assistant,
        content: `${memory.soulName} brainstormed: ${newIdeas.join("\n")}`
      return [newMemory, newIdeas];
// brainstorm can now be used like so:
const memory = new WorkingMemory({
  soulName: "Bobby",
  memories: [
      role: ChatMessageRoleEnum.System,
      content: "You are modeling the mind of Bobby."
const [newMemory, brainstormIdeas] = await brainstorm(memory, "Think of 3 butterflies")
// alternatively
const [newMemory, stream, branstormIdeasPromise] = await brainstrom(memory, "Think of 3 butterflies", { stream: true })
console.log(brainstormIdeas) // string[] with 3 different butterfly ideas
console.log(newMemory.memories) // the new WorkingMemory with the butterfly ideations appended to the memory